Communication solutions for police

From design to installation

The demands on communication solutions for the police are high. Using means of communication in the most effective way, without compromising accessibility or speed, that is the challenge.

VDK develops, delivers and implements communication solutions for the police with an eye for continuity, speed, sustainability and safety. In short, we deliver customized solutions that make communication possible anytime, anywhere.

Communication equipment matched to police services

Examples of communication solutions we provide to police and security are tools such as walkie-talkies and mobile phones, including accessories, signaling systems such as matrix signs and blue lights, and wireless solutions for camera systems or vehicles that need to stay in touch with the control room.

All communication solutions can be custom developed by our in-house R&D department. Our skilled people with experience in the police force, among others, know how procedures work and which matters are important when programming equipment, for example in command vehicles. Moreover, prior to development they will discuss your wishes and requirements with you as the user.

TEA2 award and guarantee

When developing customized communication solutions, we use high-frequency techniques, software and firmware. This allows us to realize remote control techniques, Track and Trace solutions and communication equipment that allows you to reach anywhere, among other things. In doing so, our employees who have all been screened, think from sustainable solutions. VDK is in possession of a TEA2 award and all our communication equipment has a two year warranty.

Our solutions for police:

Please contact us for more information.