Streamcaster Radio’s Silvus

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The first and most modern and complete tactical mime radio'

In 2011, Silvus introduced the world’s first tactical MIMO radios – to this day, Silvus is still advancing the industry today. The knowledge of Silvus’ own R&D department resulted in innovative new technology that has improved the video and data communications capabilities for high-stakes industries such as military, OOV and broadcast continue to advance. The 4000 Series StreamCaster radios represent the 4th generation of continuous improvement in size, weight, power, efficiency, cost and capability.

Streamcaster Enhanched

In 2019, Silvus announced new Enhanced models with a host of new features: User-adjustable multi-position switch for loading presets and zeroing crypto

  • Improved connectors and mounting points allowing the IP68 standard to be met
  • RoIP tethering and dual PTT
  • .
  • Smart battery monitoring (for SC4200E)
  • FIPS140-2 level 2 coding
  • AES 256 Bits encryption
  • MANET Interference Avoidance (MAN-IA)
SC4200E is a 2×2 MIMO radio that delivers the very best performance and efficiency in a miniature package. It is ideal for use in portable and embedded applications where size, weight, power or cost are key. The total cost of owner ship is interesting due to the fact that one has not only a walkie-talkie but also a video stream and data device. .

Functions of the SC4200E

Up to 4 watts output power (up to 8W effective performance thanks to TX Beamforming). Available in 3 form factors for different applications:
  • Robust “Brick” externally powered
  • Robust Handheld (with twist-lock battery connector)
  • Non-tough OEM (for installation in custom products and subsystems